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I fuck everyone on your list (your family) Yebem ee tebee kad oomresh! I fuck legends of rock you also, when you die! Jebem ti prvi legends of rock red na sahrani I fuck the whole front row at your funeral Da Bog da ti dete islo u rikverc May you have a child that walks in reverse Da Bog da te majka legends of rock u cevapu prepoznala May your mother recognize you in a hamburger Yebem tee tseo prwee red na saschranoo! I fuck all standing by your coffin, at your funeral! Da Bog da ti majka ljubila sliku na banderi May your mother kiss your picture on a traffic light (Means: may you be killed in a traffic accident) Da Bog da ti zena rodila stonogu pa ceo zivot radio za cipele May your wife give birth to a centipede so you have to work for shoes all your life Jebem te dok ti oci ne ispadnu a posle zato sto su ti ispale I'll fuck your arse off until your eyes fall out and after I'll do it again because they fell out!