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krv Isusovu I am the fucking blood of your Jesus Djavli te ponesli Go to hell (lit. Let devils take you away) Jebem ti Boga I am fucking your God Jebem ti Boga jarca I am fucking east central europe your goat God Jarče Bo e Goat God Jebem ti mrtvu mater u grobu I am fucking your dead mother in a grave Skočit ću ti golom guzicom u lice I will jump in your face with my naked ass Jebo ti pas kosti Let a dog fuck your bones Crkni Drop dead Kurac od ovce Useless, worthless (lit. "dick of a east central europe sheep") Jebem mu zemlju I fuck his land Picka A weak/cowardly man (lit. cunt) Popi govno Drink shit Popi govno na slamku Drink shit through a straw Jebem te blentavu Fuck you stupid Pickica Wimp, pussyboy Majkojebac Motherfucker Prcim ti majku I fuck your mother in the ass Izjebem ti se krvave matere I fuck your bloody mother Jebemu kolac Fuck the cake Pisam ti u krvotok I piss in your bloodstream Jeba ti ja mrtvu mater u usta smrdljiva I fuck your mother in her stinking mouth Jebala ti majka kurac Mother fucked your dick Majku li ti jebem I'll fuck your mother Govnaru / Seronjo Shithead Drkadzijo Man who jerks off all the time Idi u tri pichke matherine Go to three mother's pussy Sprdim ti se u facu I fart in your face Govno