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Why does your profile say fuck so many times? Cindy<3. 3/16/2006 7:44 AM how did u know i was orange thinkin of u in that picture!! freaky!! denisemonster 3/15/2006 10:55 PM DaneBear: orange i miss u, u fucking motherfuck. i'm starting to believe that we're just not meant to chill-ever. boo hiss boo.. xoxo, denise ::Moe:: 3/15/2006 12:41 PM DAne!! Love the new profile! Haha. Not much is up with me, orange just been working, partying it up a little. What about you...how have you been? Junkie 3/15/2006 10:46 AM mother fucker....im sorry we never chill....we have to fix that. lets hang out and go hiking or something beautiful. i stopped drinking and smoking cigs. Diminished got a part in an Adam Sandler movie.