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I am sick to death of you treating cameras my sister better than anyone else and letting that fuck of a husband of yours treat us like shit. I am a member of this family cameras and deserve to be treated as such. Just because you don't agree with some of the decisions I make doesn't mean they are wrong. You run around talking about what great Christians you all are, but treat everyone like shit. You cameras can't even see what hypocrites you are! I put up with my step-dad treating me and my brother like shit until I could leave the house, but I don't have to put up with it anymore. I am done with this family. You said to me that "this is just how the Middle Eastern culture is". Your step-dad is always going to prefer his natural daughter to his step-children. Blood is the most important thing. Ya know what? How 'bout I just drop-kick is dumb ass back to the Middle EAst?