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dude how the fuck movie sound clips are you? what u been up to man? im doing well over here in iraq just keeping my head down and trying to find these fucking insurgents. they are fucking pussies man. they shot at u and run away, blow up shit and run away and fire RPGs and missles at u and run away. They never stay and fight and its fucking frustrating. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. haha but other then movie sound clips that shit is good here. hope ur doing well man. hit me back and let me know what the fuck ur up to Nicole 3/2/2006 10:41 AM It was good talking to you last night. I will love you forever and ever no matter what happens between us. You already know that though. I promise I will make time to hang out with you soon too! k? Safety Tips |  Contact Myspace  |  Report Inappropriate Content |  Promote! | 
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