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I know you wish I was more like my cousins. But I am me, nothing more and nothing less. When you tell me things like having a miscarriage is nothing compared to my cousin's child with down's Syndrome, it hurts me. You don't left understand that I still left think of my boy, even though I have two healthy and beautiful daughters. All of my life, you have told me to keep my mouth shut, don't make waves. Now I am on my daughter's school PTG and you tell me to keep my mouth shut, how am I left supposed to do that? Do you even understand that speaking up and voicing my opinion is unimaginably difficult for me because you have made me feel all my life that I have nothing to bring to the table? That my opinions mean nothing and that no one likes me for me as it is, why give them more reason to dislike me. All I ask is your support. If I am telling you why I think something is wrong and I want to mention it at a meeting, I am asking you to support me and help me find strength even though I am afraid.