a portrait of the artist as a young man, bill hanrahan, 2001, gallery, open mike night, rape your dog, eastern europe, list of films, alternative hip hop, government, high times, teen, av club, debi mazar, show times, books, larry charles,
and several other websites (gsfp.org) and thats how generator I got my opinion of Cindy. I did my research first. I love the photo of her in front of the impeachment bus. I also love the photo of her and Bush that she removed from her website: generator http://images.google.com/images?q=%22cindy%22+%22president%22+%22janey%22&ie=ISO-8859-1&hl=e n Why do you think she removed the photo of the president kissing her on the cheek? "Had the courage to tell one of America's Finest Moms to her face your harsh opinion of her?" Are you kidding? I'd love to meet her. I'd love to ask her all of the harsh questions in general, and see her eyes go blank. You can tell by her blow-dried statements that she's been spoon-fed propaganda lines by people like David Swanson.