a portrait of the artist as a young man, bill hanrahan, 2001, gallery, open mike night, rape your dog, eastern europe, list of films, alternative hip hop, government, high times, teen, av club, debi mazar, show times, books, larry charles,
Nothing more. Not one itsy bit more. Ms. Sheehan doesn't need "framing", she doesn't need spokespersons and singapore she doesn't need dramatization. She doesn't need to be used for any purpose whatsoever. She doesn't need a frame, because she IS the singapore IMAGE you can't overlook and this images singapore speaks louder than any stupid frame you put around it. All she needs is that hundreds of thousands of people (may be all parents of enlisted soldiers NGs and Reservists) ask the same question as she does. What is the noble cause, Mr. President? If the cause is so noble, why don't you ask EVERY American to risk his life for that noble cause? Why are you afraid of asking for shared sacrifice, if the cause is so noble, Mr. President. If the cause is so noble, why were there so many not so noble attitude failures going on in Iraq? Allowing to loot, noble? Allowing to sexually ridicule and harras POWs, noble? Twisting the international war laws, noble? Try to imagine what the President would try to answer and then decide if he offers a lie or an excuse.