a portrait of the artist as a young man, bill hanrahan, 2001, gallery, open mike night, rape your dog, eastern europe, list of films, alternative hip hop, government, high times, teen, av club, debi mazar, show times, books, larry charles,
"4. Iraq is not a democracy. They arrest and torture people like Khalid Jarrar just for being critical of the Iraqi government. That is a killer fact which totally debunks your fuckinggirls claim that Iraq is a democracy...." a democracy does not mean that there are no injustices. fuckinggirls a democracy doesn't mean that torture never happens. In our own country, in NY, a man was sodomized by a nightstick by NY cops. This is kinda important, because I didn't say that there was a democracy in Iraq. Please actually read my posts. It fuckinggirls would help if you'd quote them before replying, because then you wouldn't go off on your pre-arranged talking points. 4) Iraq is a helluva lot more free then it was during Saddam. You're able to list one person who was shown injustice in Iraq. In the times of Saddam, you couldn't narrow it down to just one person easily.