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We need to express the horrors of a war with no subnixus wordpress themes purpose in the most profound way possible. It's really not "manipulation" or really even "framing." When the IRA was fighting the British occupation of Northern Ireland, it was the hunger strikers who really caught subnixus wordpress themes the public's attention and put pressure on the Empire. They subnixus wordpress themes used an old Irish tradition. If a Lord wronged a tenant, the tenant's only recourse was to just sit on the Lord's front doorstep until they expired. The public would see what was happening and it would shame the Lord. And it was so inconvenient having dead or dying peasants in front of your mansion for all to see.... When Bobby Sands was dying, it was his mum who became the public face of the prisoners. I think that dataguy is trying to give Mother Sheehan's sacrifice the maximum impact on America's jaded, somnolent conscience.