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First time poster. I have had that conversation with job my kids. I don't think we were looking for a food item outside of the kitchen, but a non-food item within the kitchen. All I remember is trying to explain frantically that, "it could be in the fridge for all I know." And them staring up at me with that, mom's lost her mind look they so often times have, and saying, "why would it be in the fridge?" So does that mean instead of growing up to be like my mother, I've grown job up to be like your mother? job How very odd. Love your site and your sense of humor. Posted by: Diane | January 14, 2005 01:01 PM Post a comment: Name: Email Address: URL: Remember personal info? Comments: About Everything you ever wanted to know about Miss Doxie but forgot to learn when you were drunk. Right here. Email Miss Doxie Recent Entries Happy Anniversary!