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If you read the ink it shows that. OdinPatrick @ 02/27/06 00:03:14 I gave it t a 3 for bringing up an important issue, but only a 3 because of its snide tone. Women in Iraq are bunking in tents with men, getting raped, t and when they get pregnant, they’re being redeployed as soon as the baby’s born with no provision from the military for taking care of it. It’s horrendous. ‘Equality’ and ‘feminism’ never meant being abused. As for combat wounds, t yeah, all the troops were lied to about how much action they’d see. Chickenma1 @ 02/27/06 00:03:40 “‘Equality’ and ‘feminism’ never meant being abused.” Well it is, because if you assume that everybody is equal and then you put those two groups into same position then abuse follows. Men are aggresive by Nature, they rape, by putting women in that situation is wrong. Snide tone? I love women, i don’t want mother dying and 18 year old girls raped by horny homesick aggresive males because the military and feminist groups gave them delusional thoughts.