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Swearing Generators Jokes Slang Home Copyright © 2005 Insultmonger.com. All Rights Reserved. Policies Contact Search Bookmark Send Page Swearsaurus Generators Insult Jokes Insult Slang Home How to swear, insult, cuss and curse in Icelandic! memento Icelandic Language Swearing & English Translation. Icelandic Swearing English Translation Fardu i rassgat Go to hell!, Fuck off! Haltu kjafti Shut up! Helvíti Damn!, Hell! Pussa Cunt, pussy Tittlingur Penis Afatottari Grandfathersucker Naridill Corpse fucker Těk Bitch Drusla Slut Hommi Faggot Tottadu mig memento Blow me Riddu mer Fuck me Riddu ter Fuck you Hoppadu uppi rassgatid a ter Jump up you're ass Ettu skit Eat memento shit Haltu kjafti Shut up Thegidu Shut up, be silent Asni Jackass Halfviti Moron Hora Whore Djofull Damn it Andskotinn hafi thad May the devil keep it Fifl Idiot Heimska belja Stupid cow Píka Cunt Skíta Shit Skítapíka Shittycunt Fáviti Idiot Rolluríđari Sheepfucker Hellvítis hóra Fucking whore Drjóli Cock Hellvítis ógeđ Fucking Creep Faggamella Faggottwhore Heimskingi A stupid person Vaddírassgat Go fuck yourself Leđurhommi Faggot (lit.