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Fuck Prof Dr Nedeljko Bogdanović, the doyen of Serbian swear-word studies, explained the difference between curses and swearing: the first merely degrades, while the second is malicious. ubersitenews humor jokes music movies sports So someone curses you with a blow to your favorite tree in your garden, throwing out: "May it never grow plums!" while someone swears at you to belittle your ubersitenews humor jokes music movies sports greatest pride: "Fuck you AND ubersitenews humor jokes music movies sports your plums!" There is an old political joke: Do you know where the border between Serbia and Montenegro is?—It is where you stop fucking mothers and start fucking fathers! Even though Yugoslavia was a land often characterized by inter-ethnic tension, swear words were one thing the national groups freely borrowed from one another. Serbs serving with Albanians in the federal army loved to swear at their girlfriends in Albanian. When Vojvodinan Slovaks, Rusyns and Hungarians swear, they only swear in Serbian, saving their own languages for more noble expression.