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My therapist is pressuring me to speak with her, and it's very hard to get a second opinion on a matter like this. I don't think the incident with my mother caused my current problems, and furthermore, I don't see how talking to her about album it will do any good. Any words of wisdom for me? The Good Son Oh man, I fucking hate Tom Cruise. After his spaztastic therapist-bashing meltdown last year, it's impossible to say anything negative about album shrinks without people accusing you of being a closet Scientologist. But I'm going to risk it: Fuck your therapist, album TGS. She's not your parole officer-you don't have to do what she says, and you're free to go find another therapist if she's pissing you off. If you don't want to screw up your relationship with your mother and if you really feel this one hugely fucked-up sexual encounter didn't cause your current problems (plenty of men who've never fucked their mothers have relationship problems), your therapist should stop hectoring you and start listening to you.