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on July 23 Sam Shannon got struck by lightning. He has been fighting to live for the past 3 costa rican months and last night he past away at 10:07. Sam made and impact on so many peoples lives. Sam was the nicest kid. He was always there for you and was a great soccer player. costa rican Now he is in a better place. And we will never forget #16. Sam you'll always be in our hearts. We love u man. Started: 10/12/2005 10:41 PM | Total Members: 370 costa rican ! ! ! ! ! From A Broken Family ! ! ! ! ! Did you grow up most of your life with one parent? Divorced parents? A Step-parent? Did you hate it and couldn't wait to get out? Join THIS! Started: 10/1/2004 11:20 PM | Total Members: 357 rePreSeNT SAn AntOniO!! Those that live in Sa, Tx can JoiN hehe DAs aLl fO shO Started: 6/10/2003 5:40 PM | Total Members: 322 Ban Gay Bashing not Gay Marriage This blogring is dedicated to the people who are fed up with the people that are against gays.