action / adventure, puff, gotham comedy club, news rss, baby clothes, margo winkler, fucker, fuckinggirls, photos, whatsthe difference between these 2 terms: baby momma/mother of your child, environmental news, pregnancy, american and british english differences, friends, goldielookin chain lyrics, fire, food, my girlfriend, r&b, your mother's got a penis, swearing, buds,
for breeding, 2.) for offenses named above! zoe records Maybe only then, will the future be saved. I feel better now. I guess in short I'm right there with you! zoe records If you ever want to start the "Adults sick of fuckin' brats" movement I'll be right there! :) I suppose I'm done with my ranting! Like I said keep up the good work! zoe records Oh yeah, a picture you can add to the album of supporters! Marybeth -----Original Message----- From: chris lee [] Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 11:58 AM To: Subject: mike - 3/15/2006 - I Still Hate Kids I JUST got home from the store and while I was there I had a similiar experience with stupid people and I was thinking about it when I logged on and your front article was about stupid people and the store. Im second your idea. Love your site. P.S Funny IM with the guy bitching about the animal cruelty (don't get me wrong animal cruelty sucks a fat one), but that was funny.