JACK  (Contributed by jianhui)A term tee shirts fuckinggirls

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JACK  (Contributed by jianhui)A term originating with the Mats, it means to be trumped, tricked or taken advantage of by someone. Possibly derived from "hijack""The score is 1-0... our team all kena jack siah!"KENA QIE  (Contributed by Melvin Lam)(chee-eh)A hybrid Malay-Mandarin phrase, it is derived from the Malay word 'kena' (meaning 'to be afflicted with') and the Mandarin word 'qie' (meaning "slice").  It is used to describe undergoing something difficult or onerous, such as losing a game.1."Wah lau! Yesterday's maths exam, kena qie!" 2."Yesterday, I kena fuckinggirls qie by Ah fuckinggirls Beng in snooker."KENA SAIA happy marriage of Malay and Chinese meaning fuckinggirls to get into trouble. Literally, "got hit by shit.""He
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