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More emphatic variants, directly proportional to the level of absurdity wordpress 1.5 it addresses, include "Kong Si Mi Lan Chiao" or "Kong Si Mi Lum Par", literally, "Say what penis" or "Say what testicles".See also: Talk Cock KONGSIHokkien for 'share'."This football, me wordpress 1.5 and my brother kongsi one."KOO BYE(koo bai)A (very) marginally more polite variant of "Chee wordpress 1.5 Bye".See also: Chee Bye KOONHokkien for "to sleep".1. "I was on duty for 36 hours. I really need to koon now." 2. "He was kooning right through the football match."KOPE (Contributed by Kok Leong)(as in 'cope')To steal, usually something trifling. Similar in meaning to "stun".“Wah, where you kope all this stuff from?”See also: Stun KOPI KIAHokkien for "coffee boy", meaning the waiter at a kopi tiam, dressed in the archetypal singlet (or t-shirt advertising either Guinness Stout or Tiger Beer), shorts, slippers and ABC waistpouch.Often