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his mom Dabogda gangrenu dobio na nozi pa ti kurac greskom odrezali May you get gangrene in your leg and may they cut off your dick by mistake Jebem ti mrtvu mater u gebis dok mi pusi znojna jaja istruljenim ocnim dupljama na crkveni blagdan I fuck your dead mother in her fake teeth while she's sucking on my sweaty balls with her rotting eyeballs on a church holiday Dabog da ti majka krepala dok wordpress themes je jebeš sa svojim wordpress themes krvavim kurcem Let the God kill your mother while wordpress themes you are fucking her with your bloody dick. Dabogda ti sin zeta u kucu doveo. God give that your son brings you home a son-in-law. Java te nosa, drugi te odniyo! May one devil carry you around, and then another carry you away! Tak je ruzna da je tvojim kurcem ne bi jebo' She's so ugly, I wouldn't even fuck her with your dick! Tak je ruzna da je ne bi dirao ni sa stapom She's so ugly, I wouldn't even touch her with a stick! Tak si debela da kad kihnes mozemo peci palacinke You're so fat that when you sneeze we can bake pancakes Jebo ti poshtar mrtvu mamu u podrumu u kojem je izgorila baka dok ti je pokushavala zapaliti sestru The postman fucked your dead mother in basement in which your grandma burned while trying to set your sister on fire Nek te Hrvat nabije The Greatest should fuck you Najebem ti se mrtve matere I'll keep fucking your dead mom Mater ti cigansku Your mother is a gypsy Boli me kurac I have a pain in my dick.