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Fat cow! Bole me jaja! My balls are in pain! Sisaj mi karu! Lick my dick! Lizi mi supak! Lick my ass! Budalo! Fool! Idiote! Idiot! Debilu! Moron! Svinjo! Pig! Supcino glupa! Stupid asshole! Cmaru jedan! Asshole! Majmune jedan! Monkey! Konjino! You horse! Crve jadni! Miserable worm! Kravo jedna! You cow! Kurvo! how i met your mother tv show Bitch! Psu jedan! You dog! Gnoju jedan! You muck! Smrade jedan! how i met your mother tv show You reek! Odjebi! Fuck off! Otprdi! Fart off! Serem se how i met your mother tv show ja na tebe! I shit on you! Jebem ti familiju I fuck your family Jebem ti staru u supak I fuck your mom in the ass Jebi se u rikverc!