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The FACTS are the FACTS- Every fact in F. 9/11 is a fact. The facts of the movie are not edited in any way. As for editing your own movie to reflect your own opinion, what the hell is wrong with that? posted by frank vincent rwh77 at October frank vincent 8, 2004 08:59 AM # chill winston , get a beer, not a heartattack posted by random stoner 111 at November 8, 2004 03:25 PM # haha you think that you can get rid frank vincent of be by deleting my post? Yur funny about ass funny as beating the shit out of an elderly man with a baseball bat. I’ll kick your fucking ass so hard you be eating through a straw for the rest of your life? Are you fucking american bitch or are you some mother fucker who came here on a bananna boat who sucks the shit out of americas tit and fucks the rest of us over. I’ll kick your lilly ass bitch! posted by Mother Fucker at November 16, 2004 08:28 AM # Subscribe to comments on this post. Add Your Comment If you don't want to post a comment, you can always send me your thoughts by email.