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the church wants us to give up things because the church wants us to get used to having us listen to them and speech obey them. meanwhile Jesus said that the ONLY way to the Father is through him. so fuck the fucking pope and his minions who tell you to give shit up even though its not in the good book.you think they're not skiing down ice cream mountains and having blowjob competitions in speech Heaven right now during Lent? would that be Paradise to you? if you want to give up chocolate or cocaine or pigging out once a week, how about giving it up forever. meanwhile if you feel guilty that you love chocolate or cocaine or all you can eat buffets, quit feeling guilty. if youre not hurting anyone go for it. this period of time leading up to the celebration of Easter isnt a time for the devil to torture you by convincing you that the things you like should be taken away from you for a month and a half. it should be a time to reflect on the sacrafices that Jesus made so that we could have eternal life.