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MARKETING TO WOMEN 3.2 TARGETING YOUNG WOMEN AND NEW SMOKERS 3.3 TARGETING MINORITIES 3.4 TARGETING UNEMPLOYED AND LOW INCOME WOMEN 3.5 WOMEN AND 'LIGHTS' 3.6 WOMEN, SMOKING AND HEALTH 3.7 MARKETING TO WOMEN IN THE THIRD WORLD 4 REFERENCES Introduction This report is a supplement to ASH's Tobacco Explained research project which is a survey of thousands of tobacco industry documents that have been revealed in the course of litigation in the United States. For this supplement we moms fucking video have examined the documents that moms fucking video describe the tobacco moms fucking video industry's approach to women. Tobacco Explained is available on the ASH web site at location This supplement was the idea of Jean King at the Cancer Research Campaign as a contribution to the Tobacco and Women: understanding the past, changing the future conference held in Paris on 23rd and 24th November 1998.
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