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I look like fuckin' Stevie Nicks in hippie clothes! Sid: How do you spell "holiday"? John: S-H-I-T. Nancy: I don't think that Johnny likes me. Sid: He doesn't like anybody. He's a fool. Nancy: parody You like me, don't you? Nancy: If I asked you to kill me, would you? Sid: I don't know. How would I do it? I couldn't live without ya. Nancy: I'll never look like Barbie. Barbie doesn't have parody bruises. parody [getting off the phone with her parents] Nancy: I fucking hate them! I fucking hate them! Ass! Ow! Fucking motherfuckers! They wouldn't send us any money! They said we'd spend it on DRUGS! Sid: We would! Nancy: Boring, Sidney, Boring! John: Go on, Sidney. Spray the beast. Nancy: I hate my fuckin' life. Sid: This is just a rough patch. Things'll be much better when we get to America, I promise. Nancy: We're in America. We've been here a week. New York is in America, you fuck. Sid: You know, I was so bored once that I fucked a dog. Malcolm: But Sidney's more than a mere bass player.