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link To my classmate, This is so freaking annoying! I put myself out there so far for you, and I know you get the hints but you don't do anything about it! You are all over every girl you know, and then you act like it's only me when you're around me. WTF, I'm subnixus wordpress themes sick of guessing and playing this stupid game. You're so freaking hott and it makes me mad cause you give me all these hints and then don't follow through. subnixus wordpress themes If you want to go to the dance with me, then just subnixus wordpress themes freaking ask me! If you don't, stop messing around!!!!!!!!!! link To my classmate, Do you EVER brush your teeth?! You come in every day, sit down next to me, and I feel like i'm sitting next to a garbage can! Didn't your mother ever teach you some hygenical practices? Your breath smells so badly, I feel like I'm going to lose my breakfast! It's only a matter of time before I go out and BUY you a toothbrush!! link To my classmate, I can't believe you told the class a "funny story" about someone you know who got high and beat their pet to death with a bat.