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Paul: [checks their hands] Let me generator see your hands, keep 'em where I can see 'em. I'm watching you, you bastards. [goes to the dart board] Sid: Hey, Paul. [Sid, John and Steve start throwing darts at him] Paul: Fuck off. Fuck off! Duke Bowman: Steady on boys. Paul: Bastards! It's not funny! You generator could stick me in the eye; put it in my brains, I couldn't play the drums then. Steve: You can't play the fuckin drums anyway. John: You can't play the fuckin drums anyway. Detective: [Sid has been arrested] Why so generator tense kid? Look, we just wanna know who the girl was. Where id you meet her? Son? [hands him a cigarette] Detective: Son. Sid: [Takes a drag and sniffles] I met her at Linda's. Detective: Linda? Who's Linda? Nancy: It's a real waste to smoke that shit. Don't ya have any needles? Nancy: What are ya doin here? You're in the studio, these places cost like fifty grand a minute.