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for fucks sake the only reason i'm friends with you is because i puff daddy can't stand the rest of the class you're the next best thing to no one you bunch of dickheads link To my classmate, Ok, you used to be my friend but once I really got to know you, youre an insensitive ass. Ok as a chick, I understand that guys are a little less ... nicer... Like that time I wore my hair on the side? You go, "hey you look like someone I know... you know if puff daddy you stuck a flower there puff daddy as well, youd like one of those ugly thailand girls... no really! Im not lying!" OMFG SHUT UP!!!!! Everyone knows you said that just to piss me off. Everyone else, even *** said he liked my hair you bitch. And when that Asian guy with that vest thing passed us, u started makin fun of him. What do you have against asians?!?!? And then when I (or one of my friends) points out something dumb you did... eg. that time in English when you did you speech and ur fly was undone the whole time. You thought everyone was laughing at ur "funny" speech but really everyone was laughin at ur fly.