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Not until now do I notice that the lamp is hanging above her head, that her lips curl up. That she is beautiful, Mammarosa. Byebye. The frogs are ugly. I spotlight them one by one with my flashlight. (Actually flashlights are useless. When you shine them into your mouth so that your cheeks turn a very funny red, you don't scare b boy a soul anymore. Everyone already knows the trick, even Mammarosa's friend.) glar. If you b boy accidentally doze off and the flashlight is aimed at b boy your face, your eye sockets scorch away within one hour. First cross-eyed and then blind. In the morning you are dizzy, you think you have woken up in the middle of the night, you cannot see a thing, until you are startled by the cold metal in your hand. Everything topsy-turvy. A watch that has green fluorescent hands at night, will give you cancer. Scraping out a plastic butter dish will give you cancer.