white, frank dileo, charles scorsese, photography, metro times, robert b. weide, concerts, margo winkler, tech, song dynasty, sell, rock star, showtimes, watch my life, style, sales, kill your mother, uruguayanspanish, canadian content, french/appendices/nations of the world, jin ping mei,
Jebo ti pas mater! Dog fucked your visual art mother! Ma lizi mi jaja! Lick my balls! Ko ti jebe mater! Who fucks your mother! Mamicu ti jebem! I fuck your mommy! Jebo sam ti mater! I fucked your mother! Pizda ti materina! Your mother's cunt! Dubre jedno! You trash! Mars visual art u tri pizde materine! Go to three mother's cunts! Pederu usrani! You shitty gay! Popusi mi kurac! Suck my dick! Seres na sve strane! You shit in every direction! Jebat cu ti mater! I'm going to fuck your mother! Crkni stoko! Die visual art cattle! Kurac mi puca! My dick is breaking! Kravo glupa! Stupid cow! Kravo usrana! Shitty cow! Jebe mi se! I don't give a fuck! Glupi pederu! You stupid gay! Jebem te ja u tu glupu glavu! I fuck you in that stupid head! Usrani smrade! Shitty stink! Debela kravo! Fat cow! Bole me jaja! My balls are in pain! Sisaj mi karu! Lick my dick!