white, frank dileo, charles scorsese, photography, metro times, robert b. weide, concerts, margo winkler, tech, song dynasty, sell, rock star, showtimes, watch my life, style, sales, kill your mother, uruguayanspanish, canadian content, french/appendices/nations of the world, jin ping mei,
Glupo je od mene ocweekly da te ne izjebem u cmar It would be stupid of me if I didn't fuck you in the ass! Jebem ocweekly ti sve pospisku (i tebe!) I fuck you everything according to the list (and you!) Guram ti ja krvavoj mami u usta penkalu! I push a fountain-pen into your bloody mother's mouth! ocweekly Umrlu ti sestru jebem po sred zmazane picke! I fuck your dead sister in the middle of her putty pussy! Jebat cu ti oca ocevog u dedu! I'm going to fuck your father's father and his grandpa! Oprosti sto ti jebem mater i sestru tata! Forgive me for fucking your mother and sister, dad! Majka te medu cevapima prepoznala May your mother recognize you in the grinded meat! Jebem ti krvavu mater na dnu groba I fuck your bloody mother on the bottom of the grave! Djeca ti hodala unatraske i cijeli zivot kupovala retrovizore May your children walk in reverse and buy rear-view mirrors for her whole life Naso ti sestru nabijenu na kolac koji viri iz majcinog groba I found your sister on a pole which is on your mother's grave!