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Or b) They look bad? [Note a) DOES NOT imply b)] “all that is important is what people say reality is” melbourne Declan McCullagh is a case-study for demonstrating that … posted by Seth Finkelstein at July 12, 2004 10:21 AM # What would you rather have melbourne happen? I’m not complaining. I just thought it was interesting and worth documenting for people who don’t get to experience it. posted by Aaron Swartz at July 12, 2004 10:53 AM # I should note that the photo shoot isn’t melbourne literally tomorrow. It happened last week (the fact check was the week before that). I’m just reporting on it tomorrow. posted by Aaron Swartz at July 12, 2004 11:54 PM # Michael Moore does distort the truth. He edits in a way that can proove whatever point he wants to make. When interviewed by Bill O’Riley, his one request was that his interview be aired in-full without editing.