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cody wan kenobi. 3/3/2006 4:01 PM haha i like you name! hahahaha ♥B@!L3y♥ 3/3/2006 3:48 PM ho brah u come funny pictures back tommorrow! fucking call me up! cody wan kenobi. 3/3/2006 12:10 PM brah i miss Sassy and Hurk. Merto 3/3/2006 12:12 AM 2 funny pictures days faggot cody wan kenobi. 3/2/2006 5:31 PM brah~! i no like dat! ha hey they built a big house on badina hill! its phat! Whiz Kidd. 3/2/2006 3:46 AM You know how they tell you not to shoot the messanger....Well I forgot to listen. *Really really loud gun noise that sounds like BANG!* If you ask me...Cali's for the n00bs, you n00b. cody wan kenobi. 3/2/2006 12:46 AM ooo im gonna tell on you. Maggie 3/1/2006 5:25 PM I didnt know you were in pasadena you wierdo! I will totally let you know when I come up to LA next time and we'll chill.... there's a hooters in old town pasadena! we can go there...