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they all ask. Not in Mexico. Shhhh. Index fingers are raised to hissing lips. Don’t say that word. “Some men will insult each other with a mentada de madre, an insult to their mother, just to pick a fight,” Odette continues. Or they will pitch these insults around as a game when they are with their cuates, their buddies, drinking. Madre, a word. A world. tshirt An object that tshirt turns into action when it rolls off a tongue. And falls into a conversation in tshirt Mexico. Or plunges. Depends on how it’s said, if women are present, the level of alcohol, if it is night or day. So many different ways of using it, abusing it, tossing, throwing, kicking, hurling it. To insult. “In Mexico men hang out in groups all the time. Women aren’t invited.