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CLIVE: Oh good. DEREK: Right. CLIVE: Yeah, as long as you weren't list of literary works taking her "'round" Jaffa cakes, or ..... DEREK: No, no, no, I wouldn't, no I wouldn't do that 'cause she doesn't enjoy that as much. CLIVE: No, she hates it. DEREK: She likes them in her gob, but I've taken her 'round Jaffa cakes and she hates that. CLIVE: Oh. DEREK: Yeah, list of literary works anyway, I gave, I bunged this Jaffa cake in her gob and she took a nip at it, and do you know what? Her right tit fell off, right in front list of literary works of me. Anyway ..... CLIVE: So what are you saying, her right tit fell off? DEREK: I didn't say anything, I, er, I picked it up, you know, and ..... CLIVE: Yeah. DEREK: ..... I said, "Look, good God", I said, "look out that, look at that bird on the, on, er, Mrs. Coltart's roof!" CLIVE: Yeah. DEREK: She whipped, she turned round and I slapped it back on again. She didn't know. CLIVE: No .....