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Generations of children, mothers, and grandmothers. Virgencitas, little virgins. So accepting, so uncritical. “They blink182 act like martyrs even in their own homes. They’re not my role models.” “Those mothers.” Odette returns to the journalist’s email. “He’s warning about spoken madres.” Utterances that pierce the air like hot oil left on the stove to splatter and scar. So powerful that even if only implied, hardly mentioned at all, these blink182 expressions can incite a man to harm, even to kill. Or bond forever with his cuates. Forever. The evening, the hour, a couple of minutes. “You have to respond with a blink182 grosería, slang, ill-mannered and rude. Something just as crude,” Odette explains. Or respond physically, with a madrazo, a big jolt, a mother of a blow. “No te rajes. Don’t back down,” men will say. Or open yourself up, like a woman. Instead, be a macho. “You have to fight to prove you are a man. It’s a machista attitude, no? If a guy hurls one of those madres at you, and you don’t respond, you’re acting like a woman,” She continues.