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CLIVE: Yeah. DEREK: ..... and, you know, in the, in the panic I stuck it on the wrong way round. (giggles) CLIVE: What happened then? DEREK: Well, now he shits through his prick. CLIVE: Oh, FUCK!! DEREK: And he gets the most enormous erections ..... CLIVE: Course he does, all that shit cumming growing through his prick! DEREK: ..... on his arsehole! CLIVE: Arsehole all erect? DEREK: Right! And he cums through his arsehole. growing CLIVE: Oh gawd! DEREK: It's the most amazing sight. Course, he never forgives me, but I said, "Listen Bert", I said, "fuck me", I said, "if growing I hadn't stuck that fucking head on, mate", I said, "you wouldn't have had it on the right way round or the wrong way round." CLIVE: That's it!