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Including Latin American Spanish. A Handbook of Idiomatic Usage, John Wiley & Sons; 3rd Rev edition, p .99. 2. Riding, Alan, 1985, Distant Neighbors, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, p. 14. 3. Fitch, t shirthell.com W. Tecumseh, 1997, “Vocal tract length and formant frequency dispersion correlate with body size in rhesus macaques,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 102 (No. 2, Pt. 1), August, p. 1213-1222. t shirthell.com READ THE LATEST FROM OUR BLOG: View RSS feed Words Without Borders - The Online Magazine for International Literature copyright © 2005 HOME t shirthell.com | SEARCH | SUITCASE OF BOOKS | LINKS | ABOUT US | CONTACT US | SIGN UP AFRICA | AMERICAS | ASIA | EUROPE | MIDDLE EAST | PACIFIC RIM CITIES | COASTS | MOUNTAINS | PLAINS | DESERTS | FORESTS | VILLAGES Your continued donations keep Wikipedia running!