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Baha Men - Who Let The Dogs Out, haha 56. What do your parents listen to? No idea. 57. What are you listening to right NOW? Death Cab for Cutie - Information Travels Faster 58. Do you wear band etc T-shirts? No 59. What do you think of independent media people who do? I think it's great, as long as they actually like the band. 60. What music sub-culture do you feel like you belong to? Punk (rock) probably. 61. What song is stuck in your head right now? None independent media 62. Do you sing in the shower? independent media Not really 63. If so, what? If not, why not? How the fuck should I know? 64. Would you rather marry a musician or be one yourself? Be one and then marry one :P 65. What is in your walkman/discman right now? I don't have one. My mp3-players has 6 songs from Wheatus though, followed shortly by Me First and the Gimme Gimmes and Ursula (both 5) 66.