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Find the man creem magazine nobody's protecting. A man without friends. And beat him until his eyes bleed. Let them think you are little bit crazy, but respectful, too. Respectful of the right men. Agent Flood: Shit, Mr. Brogan; I do believe you're fucked... royally. Naturelle Riviera: One minute ago, you were my friend. Are you drunk? Tell me you've been drinking too much. You're fucking drunk Frank Slaughtery: I'm Irish. I can't get drunk, all right? I know exactly what I'm saying. Kostya Novotny: [as he creem magazine arrives late for the creem magazine party] So how can you start this party without me? Monty Brogan: Oh shut up, you fat Russian fuck! Kostya Novotny: Fat UKRANIAN fuck! Monty Brogan: When you have your dick in his mouth, does he just keep talking?