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Your entire geneology sucks ass. Someday, someone, somewhere will fucking kill you, and we will all laugh long and hard at that. You deserve to to die, and so does your entire family tree. You are shit, and that is all you will ever be. Shit! Shit! Shit! That's all that can be used to weezer describe you. You suck. Your mother sucks. Your father sucks. Your grandmother sucks. Your grandfather sucks. Your pets suck. weezer Your kids, if any, suck. Die! Die! Die! View original post | View 1 replies to this comment | Link Reply | Quote | Edit | Delete Dispassionate ObserverUnregistered 01/26/06 05:50 pm You_still_suck_ass,God, you are a fucking loser. Look at you working yourself into a froth over Joe Wang. Whata fuckhead! View original post | Link Reply | Quote | Edit | Delete Pixar Topic List | Respond to this topic Copyright 2000 to 3000 etc, all rights reserved forever YourStoreDVDSee All 32Product Categories Your Account | Cart | Wish List | Help | AdvancedSearch | BrowseGenres | TopSellers | New & FutureReleases | TelevisionCentral