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Feb 9 2006, robert de niro 15:09 UTC I totally agree with your answer robert de niro in question 43 lolz Justyware said... Feb 9 2006, 15:12 UTC hahahahahaha i just noticed that. nice. Log in to comment on this journal entry. User Featured stations neighbour radio Kristo Registered on Sep 8, 2005 Last seen: earlier today 17 years old / Male Estonia Tracks robert de niro played: 13258 Posts: 100 (view history) Friends JonelMeri karlos02 Mythrilfan metalgirl ristoal See all friends (5) Groups Extensive Musical Taste Soulseek Punk Rock Blink-182 Flogging Molly Eesti Vabariik Born 1988 See all groups (9) What you get when you sign up: Personal music profile Your own music charts Friends and neighbours Audioscrobbler plugin Discussion groups and forums Thousands of radio tracks Your own music journal Album art and artist stats A pony Sign up now Take the tour Shoutbox SideburnsDave said: Sloan...