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I am fucking GLAD that scamming this overpriced, scamming piece of shit stock that is based on nothing but VAPOR scamming is finally taking a dive. I hope loads of yuppy shitheads lose their shirt on this. View original post | View 1 replies to this comment | Link Reply | Quote | Edit | Delete GoggleUnregistered 02/07/06 01:58 pm FuckGoogle,Dogfuckboi cannot fuck Google because he has severe erectile dysfunction, except when it comes to Golden Retrievers and his Great Aunt May. View original post | Link Reply | Quote | Edit | Delete Hey Hey DogfuckboiUnregistered 02/07/06 07:33 pm How_about_your_mother_fag,Dogfuck! How many time I tell you? Use your name BITCH! YOU ARE DOGFUCKBOI! You have fantasy about old lady and poochy! YOU A SICK FUCK! How come I always know you even when you too stupid to use your name? Do I have your IP Address bitch? Do I know where you live? Well, do I? View original post | Link Reply | Quote | Edit | Delete Google Topic List | Respond to this topic Copyright 2000 to 3000 etc, all rights reserved forever Sponsored Links (Buy a Link Now) What is it?