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Just ask Ub Iwerks about financial rape-age Link Reply | Quote | Edit | Delete stupidjewsUnregistered 01/20/06 08:23 am And why exactly is the company fucked because of this news? I don't get it- running out "fucked" companies I guess?Sooooo sad................ View 1 replies to this comment | Link Reply | Quote | Edit | Delete .Unregistered 01/20/06 03:14 pm stupidjews,I think Pixar employees will be fucked in the end. View original post | Link Reply | Quote | Edit | enugu Delete FISTsuckFUCKvideosUnregistered 01/22/06 01:29 am enugu Joe enugu says what ever floats your boat... fuck whoever kids, women, men, animals, bi's, trans and what ever other fucked up freaks you can find.he uses slave labor in China to make his life easy. Other's pain is his gain 626-274-6426 everbody do drugs tonight everybody JOE WANG tonight May 10,2005 starts the 5th year of the Joe Wang informational posts.