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You towel headed camel jockeys can kiss my royal Irish ass! James Brogan: You're a New Yorker. That will never change. You've got New York in your bones. You can spend the rest of your life out West. But, you're still a New Yorker. Monty Brogan: I need you to make me ugly. Uncle Nikolai: I have been in three different prisons, Montgomery. Three different countries. And you know what I learned? I learned prison is a bad place to be. Uncle Nikolai: I tattooed "survive" on my hand the night before I went away to prison. And I did. We do what we have to do to survive. James Brogan: You've never been west of Philly, have ya? This is a beautiful country Monty, it's beautiful out there, like a different world. Mountains, hills, cows, farms, and white churches. I drove out west with your mother one time, before you was born.