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In the end, I decided I actually did want a relationship with my family again, and to have that I would need enlightenedtheme for wordpress to have some kind of relationship with my mother too. So, I set the conditions and reinitiated contact. We can talk about the weather, etc. (i.e., "normal" stuff), but the ironic thing is that now even if she tries to have a "serious" talk about our past, it is I who won't allow any discussion of her abusive behavior. Why? I simply don't enlightenedtheme for wordpress want to dwell enlightenedtheme for wordpress in those moments for the rest of my life. —Good Luck On Your Journey I agree with your advice to The Good Son. But it should be observed that whether or not he follows his therapist's advice, incest doesn't happen in a vacuum. (Everyone knows that, right?) A mother who sleeps with her son is no doubt doing countless less-obvious things that quite likely led to his current fucked-up state.