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If TGS goes in with guns blazing, that relationship will be damaged—hell, it already is damaged. If TGS feels he can work through his issues without confronting his mother, freplyspang I think he should give it a shot. JON, on the other hand, isn't risking anything by confronting the late-night jerker, except alienating freplyspang a creep—a creep that needs to know he was caught before someone wakes up during one of his late-night foot fests and (1) beats the shit out freplyspang of him, or (2) calls the cops and has him arrested for assault. send a letter to the editor More Savage Love Web Extra Savage Love Web Extra Savage Love Readers Respond to Spouses Who Want Permission to Cheat Dan Savage Dude's Hot Date Is Witha Man! Readers Respond to Dan's Smoking Fetish Advice .. news | nyc life | music | film | arts | people | classifieds | about | contact | store | rss LA Weekly | OC Weekly | Seattle Weekly | Minneapolis City Pages | Nashville Scene Copyright © 2006 Village Voice Media, Inc.,