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Did you change you mind? Lazlo Registered Apr 26, 2004 8:39 pm He’s rock star not even a “Big City” plumber…what a turd. JESUS Apr 26, 2004 8:40 pm No, I said “The GEEK shall inherit the Earth.” I’ve was misquoted and it got out of hand. The meek can rot as far as I’m concerned. weave Registered Apr 26, 2004 8:43 pm Plumber probably makes more than all of us however… the_PLUMBER Registered Apr 26, 2004 8:43 pm THATS ON ACCOUNT OF YOUR UPBRINGING-YOU LOUSEY FUCKING BASTARD–IM PROUD CAUSE I rock star HAVE A TRADE AND I AM THANKFUL TO BE rock star ABLE TO EARN A GOOD LIVING IN THE BEST DAMM COUNTRY IN THE WORLD,SO WHY DONT YOU QUIT POSTING AS SOME ONE YOU DONT EVEN KNOW—AND FUCK OFF—OFFICE ASS CLOWN N-Dowed Registered Apr 26, 2004 8:45 pm JESUS - So was that story about the “fishes and the loaves” just a bunch of hooey, too?