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I don't like spam any more translation than you do. Obviously this doesn't have to be your real email address, but that would mean I can't contact you offblog. HTML tags can be used in comments: a href title,b,i,u,br/,p,strong,em,ol,ul,li,blockquote,del,s,pre,img src alt title. Anything else will be stripped out and thrown to the mincer. JavaScript translation must be turned on: Sorry, but translation this is the only way I can arrest the tide of spam Everything else needs to comply with the comments policy Cam Pic Live Streaming Active ERROR!! Random Pic Feb 2002 Pic 11, Set 60 Cara. I wish I knew what she was saying here but I don't Comments seedy: meh. SSH tunnels? VNC? I used to walk to 10 miles to school in 2 foot of snow, uphill both way... »» Adrian: Oh my. I meant I don't like men using the word to describe men's underwear, not to describe me... »» Peter: Why would the word panties bother you? If you give the answer 'I just dont think its right' or... »»