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Dutch: [smiling] Yes. Dutch: Listen you little son of a bitch, you could've killed someone with a stunt like that. That poor bastard was on his way home to see his family and because you wanted to play some kind of a spoiled brat prank, you sales put his life in jeopardy. Now what gives you the right to do that? Doyle: I guess I didn't think about that. Dutch: Well you better start thinking about a little something else besides your own spoiled ass! I took on this idiotic sales assignment because I love your mother. I gotta wonder how nuts I am. Man I've met some scum in my life but you beat all, man, you are absolutely worthless. You know what, this is a full blown mission, you're not gonna beat me. I've had my head split open, my nose mashed, I've been kicked and beat and left for dead, and when I set you on your mama's doorstep, you're gonna be one whipped little puppy. Dutch: You really are a hypocrite aren't you?